박지성 선수가 뛰고 있는 QPR을 후원하는 Air Asia CEO 인터뷰
Tony가 한발 물러나서, 새로운 여성 CEO로 교체가 되었네요.
1. Customer에 집중
가장 기본적인 명제이자 모든 비지니스의 근본인 고객에 집중하라. 결국 회사의 물건을 사는 것은 궁극적으로 고객이다. 그러므로 고객이 무엇을 원하는 지 그들의 feedback에 항상 관심을 가져라.
"Naturally, our customers ... are a big influence on us. They’re going to buy our product so we need to be able to understand them, to get the right kind of feedback, to be able to customise our service to their needs."
"...our own staff are one of our biggest stakeholders, because they need to believe in what they’re doing. They need to be passionate and entrepreneurial in how they do things because with good team effort you can achieve anything that you want to do."
"Social media has become of growing importance to our business in the sense that you get instant feedback on your product. It is the best way for you to market your product effectively and in a more cost efficient way."
2. Operational effectiveness 개선 하기
원가 구조를 간단하고 쉽게 파악할 수 있어야 함. Air Asia는 여러 국가에서 group으로 operation을 하므로 규모의 경제가 이루어지고, 지속적으로 개별 국가의 항공사와 네트워크를 쌓는데 주력함. 이것이 경쟁력.
"Cost is always a key priority. The cost structure has to be simple and easy to monitor. As a group operating in various countries in this region, we’re able to gain certain economies of scale that other airlines cannot."
3. 신뢰에 집중하라.
최고의 직원을 고용했고 이들이 회사를 움직이는 원동력, 그들을 믿고 맡겨라. 창의적이 되도록 자유를 주고, 보상해라. 직원을 존중하라. (항상 듣는 말)
"Trust is a key word here: you trust that you have employed the best people to help you with your expansion plan. When you have that trust and you delegate as much as you can, you give employees the freedom to be creative and reward them for it."
"At AirAsia Berhad we hire people from all sorts of backgrounds, all sorts of different cultures. We understand and respect each other and at the same time it’s a way for us to share ideas and see what sits best for the whole company."
성장 전략
내부 성장에 전념, 하지만 필요하다면 전략적 Alliance도 고려.
"There is so much growth and so many opportunities in this region that I think Asia is the place to be. And even though there are so many airlines wanting market share, I feel there is a lot of room in that market. I don’t see the growth ending any time soon."
"AirAsia Berhad is the most nimble organisation that I’ve ever been in. We work fast. We address a problem fast and I think that’s really down to the team effort and our clear vision of where we want to be."
"The whole idea is to be able to grow well organically. So, if strategic alliances make sense and if they add value to the whole Group, they are sure to be considered."
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