노키아 CEO Stephen A Elop
Disruption에 대응하기
직원들에게 바라는 3가지
Accountability: 자신이 하고 있는 분야에 대한 책임감. 자신이 맡고 있는 부분에 대한 의사결정, 문제가 발생했을 때 직접 해결하는 것…
Urgency: 내일이 아닌, 오늘 무슨 결정을 내릴 수 있는지? …10일 걸리던일…7일 5일…줄이는 것 어떻게 할 것인가.
Empathy: Don’t be arrogant. 들어라 동의하든 동의하지 않든. 자신의 주변에서 무슨일이 일어나는지를 알고 거기에 대해서 적당히 대응해라.
"But there’s something far more important and that is the changing culture of the company. We have deliberately focused on the attitudes and behaviors that matter today, at this point in our history."
"Listen to your consumers, listen to the partners we have, listen to the employees, assess what you agree with, what you disagree with but be aware of what’s going on around you and respond appropriately."
성장에 대한 위협
"...as a global company, Nokia is also subject to the threat of changing government approaches and regulations"
"On a micro level, the biggest threat for us is always the next disruption around the corner."
변화에 대한 대응
변화가 빠르다. 혁신하고 새로운 경험을 고객에 전달하는 속도 조절. 각개격파, 의사결정 단계 최소화. 개별 프로젝트 level에서 의사결정. 민첩성, 대응력..
"I think where many companies around the world find themselves, is in an environment in which the rate of change and the necessity to disrupt your competitors and even yourselves is happening at a much faster pace."
"As we’ve been going through this transition at Nokia, we’ve taken a broad array of steps to really change the rate at which we can respond to disruption, the rate at which we can innovate and bring great new experiences to consumers."
"We used to have many research and development sites all over the world. We’ve concentrated those down to a much smaller number of sites, each with the full competence to deliver a great product."
"We’ve taken out several layers of management to simplify the organisation. We’ve jettisoned all sorts of boards and distilled decision-making down to those who are participating in projects and accountable for them."
"We have adopted a whole series of classical management techniques to drive nimbleness, to drive responsiveness."
기회 포착
삶을 보다 즐기고, 생산성을 향상시키는 새로운 기술 개발..
결국에는 고객..고객이 원하는 것
"...it is great to be in the business of inventing new technologies that are focused on helping people better enjoy their lives more and become more productive."
"The consumer is a stakeholder for any business, of course, but in our industry the consumer is playing a far more active role in shaping the product in terms of using the services and applications we deliver."
"...our consumers are not only consuming but they’re also contributing, enabling us to establish a different form of relationship with them than we had even a few years ago."
"What that local focus does is it connects us as an organisation more deeply into the local fabric, giving us a better understanding of what consumers might need in those environments and how to better support them."
"It's amazing how just focusing on the well-being of our customers has a dramatic impact on the quality of the experience we deliver and their perception of what we’re able to do for them as a company."
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